10 Wrestlers Who HATED Hulk Hogan

Whatcha gonna do?

CM Punk Hulk Hogan
Windy City Live / WWE

It's fair to say that Hulk Hogan is a divisive figure in the wrestling industry. Then, now, and forever.

Some fans of his still cling to his incredible, business-changing achievements within the industry, but others cannot separate the larger-than-life performer from the man behind it, whose actions and comments have tarnished his legacy.

CM Punk, during a recent appearance on Windy City Live's 2 Minute Warning, was asked about The Hulkster and responded, "I wasn't a Hogan guy. I've met him. I like him even less now" before concluding the chat with a definitive, "F*ck him!"

He's not alone with those views in the industry; fans and peers alike over the years have expressed disdain for Hogan due to a variety of issues, and whilst some have been resolved, many more exist to this day.

An honourable mention has to go to The Iron Sheik, who held a grudge with Hogan due to the fact that he never repaid the favour when Sheik dropped the world title to him, despite insisting he'd "owe him one". Furthermore, a dishonourable mention has to go to Vince Russo (because I hate him), who had numerous run-ins with The Hulkster during his time in WCW and TNA.

Those two are just the tip of the iceberg however, here are ten wrestlers who HATED Hulk Hogan...

10. Scott Steiner

CM Punk Hulk Hogan

There are a variety of things that Scott Steiner hates: HHH, Stephanie McMahon, ducks, Eric Bischoff, and of course fat asses. Hulk Hogan is another name that can be added to this list.

As with most things Hogan-related, speculation is rife as to the cause of the bad blood. Some claim it's due to the Hulkster's time in TNA, where he oversaw wholesale changes to the product at vast expense for little to no reward. Whereas others state it's simply down to the fact that Hogan was racist, pointing to Steiner's remarks on a conference call to promote Slammiversary...

"That guy, Hogan, he's racist. All you've got to do is Google it and see him when he sat in the stand in court in a stupid ass bandanna...And then he talks about the size of his penis. It's hilarious."

The most obvious reason for the animosity between the two though is the suggestion that Hulk Hogan got Steiner banned from the 2015 WWE Hall Of Fame ceremony due to an "ugly incident" in an airport with Hogan's wife Jennifer, where Steiner claims he insisted that Hogan inducting Macho Man Randy Savage into the HoF was "bullsh*t."

Steiner's response to all this? Challenge Hulk Hogan to a bodyslam challenge with $1 million on the line of course...

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Lanky, specky, ginger bloke who loves all things wrestling, football and quiz related. The man who invented the #BloodyGoodQuiz.