10 Wrestlers Who HATED Hulk Hogan

7. Doink The Clown

CM Punk Hulk Hogan

I could try and explain the bad feeling between Hulk Hogan and the late Matt Osbourne who played Doink the Clown, citing a rumoured WrestleMania IX match between the two which allegedly got canned due to Hogan's refusal to work with Doink. However, I'll just let Osbourne's words speak for themselves:-

"Hulk Hogan has never been a man. Hulk Hogan’s a big ass p*ssy...He was an arrogant f*ck. I still think he is. I look at him and laugh because I know him for who he truly is. I don’t like him. I really find it hard to even like him as a person. He’s a phony inside and out. He showed that when he did that to Randy. When he said that him and Randy had made up, after Randy had died, well that’s bullsh*t. Randy hated Hogan."
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Lanky, specky, ginger bloke who loves all things wrestling, football and quiz related. The man who invented the #BloodyGoodQuiz.