10 Wrestlers Who Hated The Fans

9. Kevin Nash

As a part of the NWO, Kevin Nash absolutely revelled in being an anti-hero.

Spray painting their rivals and running riot throughout WCW's Monday Night War era, Nash (and the rest of the faction) did whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted.

This also extended to his interactions with the paying public.

It was evident that Nash wasn't the biggest fan of some sections of the fanbase and his disdain towards select members of the wrestling community was captured perfectly when a rogue fan hurled a rock at 'Big Sexy' during MTV's Summer Break in 1997.

Not missing an opportunity to exact some revenge on the cowardly fan, Nash sprinted after the culprit (a sight in itself) and tacked him to the ground. Scott Hall can also be heard telling the rest of the crowd 'Shows over. We want to press charges.'

This, coupled with Nash's frequent battles with fans on Twitter (see below), all points to a wrestler who isn't fond of suffering in silence. If a fan p*sses off the former WWF and WCW World Champion - be it online or in the flesh - don't expect Kevin Nash to mince his actions or words.

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Ronda Rousey
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...