10 Wrestlers Who Have Been Swept Under The Rug

2. T-Bar

T-Bar Xavier Woods

Has there been a worse treated wrestler in the last two years than T-Bar?

RETRIBUTION was a bust from the get go, and the senseless name change from Dominic Dijokovic to T-Bar was an immediate death sentence. In the midst of RETRIBUTION's thankful demise, the T-Bar name stayed, as did the awful face paint. Mace at least found a home on SmackDown as part of the hilarious Maximum Male Models, whereas T-Bar has been relegated to Main Event.

It's pretty baffling, considering how good the former Donovan Dijak is between the ropes, and a mobile big man always goes over well in the world of WWE. But for some reason, there seems little want from anyone to give the guy a break.

The longer he has been associated to one of the worst gimmicks in WWE history, the more his stock has plummeted, and it feels like such a long way back for Dijakovic that WWE just don't want to put the effort in.

Perhaps he'll be thrown a lifeline now that Triple H is in charge, as The Game did highlight T-Bar in a prominent role on NXT during his days as booker. Perhaps there is still a chance for the talented big man to be given a fair crack at the main roster.

Or maybe, even the King of Kings knows the road back for T-Bar is just too long.

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!