10 Wrestlers Who Have Been Swept Under The Rug

3. John Silver

T-Bar Xavier Woods

The Dark Order have existed within All Elite Wrestling for over three years now, and it more than feels like they have served their purpose.

Under the tyrannical reign of the late Mr. Brodie Lee they were a dangerous force of evil, whereas in the aftermath of his tragic death, they became a beloved group of misfit heroes. Dark Order's role in Hangman Page's ascent up the company from his lowest point was pivotal and it's sad to see them such an afterthought in the year since.

Of all the stars to 'maximise' his minutes, John Silver did that and more. Presenting himself as nothing more than a good hearted dork, 'Johnny Hungie' endeared himself to AEW fans through his boy popping promos and his high octane ring work. Seriously, the man rivals Randy Orton as the best hot tag in the business.

Considering how quickly Tony Khan cooled on Silver after Page's arc was concluded, it's safe to assume that they weren't expecting the Dark Order man to get so over. Whilst AEW usually works as a meritocracy, it did feel like Silver got a little too far out of the box he had been penned in, and thus, has been shunted away from anything of any note. The Trios tournament was more about the Elite and Page than anything to do with the Dark Order.

It's a shame, as AEW is supposed to exist as the company of opportunity, but those haven't come Johnny Hungie's way.

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!