10 Wrestlers Who Knew They Were DOOMED On Day One

4. Bret Hart

Bret Hart WCW Debut

Famously, Vince McMahon wanted to debut Bret Hart as a 'Cowboy' in the mid-80s, but Hart managed to get that changed last-minute. If the Canadian hero had fretted about playing a phoney gimmick at the start of his career, then he must've been losing his mind when he landed in WCW towards the end of it.

The company blatantly didn't know what to do with him.

WCW treated superstar wrestlers like Real Madrid treats its footballers; it was more important that they were "Galácticos" who drew attention and eyeballs rather than characters with any substance when it mattered. Bret spotted the flaw in this plan from day one.

His grand unveiling after being involved in the controversial conclusion to Survivor Series 1997? Being special ref for Eric Bischoff vs. Larry Zbyszko at Starrcade. What a downer that had to be for Hart. Looking back, it's fairly obvious that he knew something was amiss during his 15 December '97 Nitro debut.

WCW life was miserable for Bret.

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Bret Hart
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.