10 Wrestlers Who Knew They Were DOOMED On Day One

5. The Shockmaster

Bret Hart WCW Debut

Admit it, you knew this one was inevitable.

Few pro wrestlers on the planet could claim to have experienced a debut quite like The Shockmaster's. 18 August 1993 will be burned into Fred Ottman's psyche forever. There, at WCW's Clash of the Champions XXIV, he tripped over a small wall, lost his glittery Stormtrooper helmet and earned a place in the history books.

Shockmaster's debut was certainly shocking, but not for the reasons that Ottman or WCW bigwigs had hoped going in. Fred fumbled around trying to get the doctored Star Wars prop back on his head as an Ole Anderson overdub blared over the speakers and everybody else on set either laughed or rolled their eyes.

There was no way back after this nightmare, to be honest. Shocker was dead as a top babyface attraction (which, alarmingly, WCW thought he'd be wearing that outfit) and was turned into a comedy character mere months later.

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