10 Wrestlers Who Made Chris Jericho Submit

1. Cesaro – Raw June 6th 2016

William Regal Chris Jericho

In a dream match up for marks, Cesaro vs Chris Jericho could main event any bingo hall or gym the world over. In this Raw match-up before the Money in the Bank PPV, Chris Jericho push Cesaro to the limits and showed off how strong the Swiss Superman can be if pushed right. Cesaro survived a Codebreaker and a Walls of Jericho in this contest, before connecting a Cesaro Swing and Sharpshooter combination for the victory. Since then Jericho has traded victories with Cesaro on a couple of occasions, and it's only a matter of time before they wrestle at a pay per view. Given enough time they would steal the show easily.

Credit to Chris Jericho to push talent that is deserving of being taken to the next level. Cesaro might not have won the Money in the Bank briefcase but that doesn't mean he won't in the future.


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