10 Wrestlers Who Made Chris Jericho Submit

2. Braun Strowman - Night Of Champions 2015

William Regal Chris Jericho

Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns needed a third person to face off against the Wyatt family at Night of Champions. They were struggling to find someone due to the demolition that the 'Black Sheep' Braun Strowman was doing the rest of the WWE roster. At the event we still didn't know who their tag team partner was until we heard the familiar sound of a countdown clock.

Jericho was the perfect fit for this match, he was returning after several months away, and had a great feud with Bray Wyatt in the past. Unfortunately Jericho became another victim to Strowman who passed out to his signature choke. The match itself isn't anything bad, and is understandable to see Jericho be the one to lose as he had nothing to gain in this match except returning. Let's hope Strowman benefits from this in the future. He is on Jericho's list after all.


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