10 Wrestlers Who Made Chris Jericho Submit

4. Undertaker – Smackdown November 13th 2009

Ten years. That's how long it took for The Undertaker and Chris Jericho to have a one on one confrontation. Over the years before this moment they had either tagged together or faced off in multi-man matches but surprising never facing off against one another. For a Smackdown main event it had everything you'd expect to hype up a Survivor Series pay per view. With a Triple Threat title match looming between the champion Undertaker, Jericho and The Big Show (with JeriShow in full effect), Undertaker would have his work cut out for him mere days before.

At the conclusion of the match, Undertaker reverses the Walls of Jericho into an impressive Hells Gate forcing Jericho to submit. Big Show runs in to cause havoc, resulting in an awesome looking double team submission of the Camel Clutch and Walls of Jericho combination on the Dead Man. Thankfully Kane was able to make the save, and Undertaker was able to make Big Show submit to the Hells Gate days later to retain his World Heavyweight Championship at Survivor Series.


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