10 Wrestlers Who Made Other WWE Wrestlers Cry

3. Lita Brings Tears To AJ Lee’s Face

aj lee lita

There’s a notable video online of a young AJ Lee meeting her hero Lita at an autograph signing in 2001.

Lita hugs her and AJ cries her heart out with happiness at meeting her hero. AJ was overcome with feelings meeting Lita, who was a pioneer for young women everywhere who one day wanted to get into the wrestling business.

Instead of simply being relegated to just being another Diva, Lita along with Trish Stratus pushed boundaries on what women could do and accomplish in WWE. They were the first women to headline Raw over the Women’s Championship in December 2004 and Lita was a considerable role model when a member of Team Xtreme with The Hardy Boyz where she had memorable and exciting moments like running down the ramp at WrestleMania X-Seven to a huge reaction from the crowd in the famous TLC classic where she hit a hurricanrana on Rhyno.

AJ has said of that moment that meant the world to her at that time:

"The really cool thing is meeting people that you look up to and them being cool and not disappointing. So for her to be awesome and nice definitely helped me along my path. Growing up, I didn’t have a lot and we had a really rough childhood and my only escape from all that was wrestling and was having these women to look up to and just hoping one day that I could get out of it, maybe I could be like them and get myself out of the situation I was in. Meeting her, it was like, ‘Okay, this is my hero, the only person I have to make me feel better about life right now’. It was such a good moment for me. You can actually see my mom in the background, like, crying! It’s like, yes, I’m a huge fan and I loved her and I loved meeting her, but it represented… I was going through a lot. If I could talk to little AJ back then and tell her what would happen one day.”
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