10 Wrestlers Who Most Defined A Generation

1. Vince McMahon - The Man Of All Eras

Though not technically an out-and-out wrestler, Vince McMahon has had a greater impact on the professional wrestling industry than any other man, and he has been doing so for almost four decades. Since taking the WWE national back in the early 80s, McMahon has transformed the organisation into the biggest sports entertainment enterprise of all time. He has run his competition into the ground and irrevocably changed the landscape of the pro wrestling business. We now find ourselves with one dominant company, and whether or not you deem that to be a good thing, you have to acknowledge that it is a huge departure from the days of old and that McMahon is responsible for that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjBeCwz2fXg If it wasn€™t for him, just imagine the industry today. Would we still have companies such as WCW and ECW in existence? Or would the pro wrestling industry have even been able to survive the rise of UFC in the last decade or so? As it happens, we€™ll never know the answers to these questions. One thing that is a safe bet though is that there€™ll likely never be another Vince McMahon or anyone else for that matter anyone who impacts the business as much as he has. The demise of the territories, the emergence of WrestleMania, the Monday Night Wars; he has not only defined the current generation that we find ourselves in, but countless others before that. He truly is the man of all eras.
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