10 Wrestlers Who Never Turned Face

9. Michael Cole

Hogan Iron Sheik

As a play-by-play commentator, Michael Cole has juggled through pretty much every role possible for someone calling the action going down inside of a WWE ring. From being an all-round despicable nuisance, to the position he occupies now as the seasoned veteran holding down the fort, the 25-year company man has pretty much covered every base in the booth.

When it comes to his time in-between the ropes, however, Cole has only ever been asked to play one particular part; that of the spineless swine.

Whether he was taking part in the 2012 Royal Rumble or picking up a DQ victory over Jerry Lawler at WrestleMania XXVII, Cole could frequently be called upon to elicit a universally negative response from a WWE crowd. Sure, it may have been predominantly "go-home" heat, but the commentator did what he was told to do and never shied away from being the butt of the jokes when the time called for it.

With Cole's last match coming nearly a decade ago at this point, it's probably safe to say his in-ring career will go down as one with a grand total of zero babyface performances.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...