10 Wrestlers Who Never Turned Face

6. Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

Hogan Iron Sheik

He may have dabbled in the in-ring side of things from time to time during his iconic run in the wrestling industry, but Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan would firmly cement himself in the history of the business via his roles as a devilish heel manager and prickly commentator.

But as Heenan could most definitely hold his own between the ropes, the star regularly found himself in a singlet battling against everyone from The Ultimate Warrior to The Red Rooster over the years. And, as you likely guessed, he played the audience like a fiddle every single time.

Routinely trying to get out of dodge before he had his lights knocked out by whichever fiery babyface was hunting him down, Heenan knew precisely how to make a crowd yearn to see him get his just desserts and seemed to relish every moment of doing just that.

Heenan was so despised at one point in his career, that a fan quite literally tried to shoot the star with a gun at an AWA event in 1975.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...