10 Wrestlers Who Never Turned Face
5. Muhammad Hussan
The scary thing about the character of Muhammad Hassan is that, at the time, it seemed like an absolutely tone-deaf and all-round horrendously bad idea and, fast forward nearly two decades later, it still does.
But because WWE simply cannot help booking a character from a country outside of the U.S. as a painfully stale and offensive 'foreign menace', the real-life Marc Julian Copani was burdened with this hideous attempt to capitalise on the real-world tensions caused by the ongoing conflict going on in Iraq and Afghanistan for the entirety of his WWE career.
Typically, Hussan would routinely strut out in front of a live Raw or SmackDown crowd and run down the States, much to the annoyance of a passionate and deeply patriotic audience. But things would be taken up a few despicable notches in July of 2005.
After taking part in a taped angle which saw The Undertaker being jumped by masked men on SmackDown at the command of Hussan, WWE decided to follow through with showing the segment in America and Canada, despite the fact that the London bombings became a reality three days after filming.
UPN soon requested Hussan be taken off WWE TV shortly after the controversial angle went down, and Copani was eventually sent back down to developmental.