10 Wrestlers Who No Longer Work For AEW

6. Jimmy Havoc

Kylie Rae

An AEW Original, Jimmy Havoc tangled with future AEW stars 'Hangman' Adam Page, MJF and Jungle Boy at the first Fyter Fest. He went on to win an enjoyable “Cracker Barrel Clash” at All Out 2019 against Joey Janela and Darby Allin.

Despite this promising start, Havoc struggled to find his footing on AEW television, wrestling most of his matches on Dark. Teaming as The Superbad Squad with fellow Brit Kip Sabian seemed to herald an upturn in both men’s fortunes. The pair even got a Tag Team Title shot against Kenny Omega and Hangman.

All of which quickly became irrelevant when some pretty unsavoury allegations emerged against Havoc as part of the #speakingout movement. Accused of domestic abuse and physically assaulting a fan, Havoc was sent for counselling and rehabilitation. A month later, August 2020, he was released from his AEW contract.

Havoc doesn’t have a social media presence but seems to have retired from wrestling. A photo that did the rounds online last year showed him in the uniform of courier service DPD.

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AEW Kylie Rae
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Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.