10 Wrestlers Who No Longer Work For AEW

2. Ben Carter

Kylie Rae

If you watch NXT UK then you’ll know that these days Ben Carter plies his trade under the name Nathan Frazer. Also, if you watch NXT UK then, wow, it’s you! We wondered who their viewer was. Do get in touch and let us know what it’s like.

Carter first caught the eye with an AEW Dark banger against Lee Johnson. This performance generated such buzz that not only was he rewarded with a match on Dynamite, but he was entrusted with the show’s opening match against Scorpio Sky.

Technically Carter wasn’t so much working for AEW as doing an internship. Although Christopher Daniels had invited the Brit to come and try-out with the company, US visa issues prevented AEW from actually paying him for his matches.

This may go some way to explaining why Carter ultimately signed with a company who could give him work in the UK, with the ongoing global pandemic having decimated the independent scene. That said, he is also an acknowledged lifelong WWE fan.

At the time it was assumed WWE was as dazzled by Carter’s displays for AEW as the rest of us and that’s why they made the move to sign the young Brit. Instead, far from poaching the exciting new talent, WWE had apparently made Carter an offer ahead of his AEW appearances.

Former WWE scout William Regal said he’d first heard of his fellow Brit through Seth Rollins, Carter having trained at Rollins’ Black and Brave Academy.

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AEW Kylie Rae
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Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.