10 Wrestlers Who Only Worked ONE WWE Match

8. Fuego Del Sol (2020)

Beth Phoenix Lena Yada Katie Burchill Jillian Hall Layla Victoria Maryse Natayla

Remember this guy, AEW hardcores?

Yep, that's Sammy Guevara's mate Fuego Del Sol. He worked a one-off enhancement match for WWE on the 6 January 2020 episode of flagship show Raw. His job? Stare at the lights after being mauled by one Erick Rowan in just 25 seconds. Oh well, a gig's a gig.

Del Sol wasn't wearing his mask for the match, and went under the name KJ Orso. Perhaps he'd been watching James Ellsworth too, because Orso tried his best to make the moment count by looking like he'd just had an accident pre-match. Those intimidated facials didn't land KJ a regular role though.

He'd debut in AEW just five months later, and gained a modest level of attention when Tony Khan showcased Fuego's bid to earn an All Elite contract. His spotlight was fleeting, however, but at least people remember that more than his only WWE match to date.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.