10 Wrestlers Who Perfected A Finisher On Its Owner

7. Bayley Checks Her Bank Statement

Orton Cena

Before this pair's recent run as the inaugural Women's Tag Team champions and their most recent flirtations with steel chairs and the dark side, they were at war with each other over on NXT.

In the match that would eventually lead to the two tearing down the house in the first ever 30 minute iron woman match, Banks and Bayley went to war at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn.

Need a reminder of the potential of a heel Sasha Banks? Watch this match.

Backstabbing Bayley (both figuratively and physically) throughout the match, Banks forced The Hugger to use her experience of tangling with The Boss to beat her at her own game.

In a tremendous exchange, Banks would try to lock in her submission monouvere, 'The Bank Statement', only for Bayley to counter and lock in her own variation of the move.

Bayley's iteration didn't possess the original's technique, however it made up for that with the extremely barbaric way Bayley tugged at her rival's head in order to force the tap out.

Though, not as fondly remembered as their iron woman classic, this moment helped Bayley endear herself to fans as a babyface who could think on her feet - crossing over into the brutal, if necessary.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...