10 Wrestlers Who Perfected A Finisher On Its Owner

3. Randy Orton Gets Cena To STFU

Orton Cena

A rivalry that will go down in history as one of the most exciting, jaw-dropping and innovative pieces of storytelling in WWE history.

Oh wait, no...it's just another John Cena Vs Randy Orton match...false alarm.

In danger of being genuinely quite riveting - way back in 2007 - this feud fell victim to the WWE publicity machine banging us over the head with the 'two faces of their generation' tagline. The matches weren't awful, they just weren't new - you can only watch two men go back and forth, trading the same selection of moves and false-finishes before it becomes stale.

At the Royal Rumble 2014, this plain format had hit new lows, with fans voicing their dissaproval throughout.

Orton twigged that things may be going awry.

So, he slithered out of an Attitude Adjustment and locked in Cena's trusty submission hold, the STF (formally STFU) for our pleasure.

Besides the fact that Cena sold the wretched position he'd found himself in like a champ, Orton managed to invert his arms into a sleep-hold position - cutting off Cena's air supply - whilst also rendering him unable to move, his leg being captured by The Viper's own.

He may have won via Wyatt family distractions, yet Orton proved again that he was born for the business, turning a quite mundane world title affair into a flicker of excellence by perfecting a staple of the Cenation leader's repertoire.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...