10 Wrestlers Who Perfected A Finisher On Its Owner

4. Seth Rollins Strikes Outta Knowhere

Orton Cena

Fresh off the back of dethroning the beast, for the first time, to win the WWE Championship, Seth Rollins had been thrown back into a feud with Randy Orton. The former world champion had his devastating finisher, the RKO, stripped from his usage (or he'd be disqualified...in a steel cage match) for the two's bout at Extreme Rules in 2015. Rollins even had Corporate Kane at ringside to act as 'gate-keeper', with J&J security there to provide further uselessness.

Orton put up a hell of a fight and integrated the cage into his arsenal as frequently as possible - an irish-whip into the corner of the steel was particularly gruesome. At one point, Orton even teased attempting his finisher, before changing his mind and punishing Rollins with both of their mentor's signature - The Pedigree.

After The Big Red Demon had interfered with Orton's endeavours to leave the structure - chokeslamming The Viper, Rollins and J&J for good measure - Orton would get his revenge with an RKO on the non-legal Demon.

However, this left the door open for a taste of the Legend Killer's own medicine.

Rollins lept to his feet and caught Orton by surprise, with a perfectly timed adaptation of the meme-d exclamation point. In another life, Rollins could have been the proud owner of this finisher, as it intertwined seamlessly into his opportunistic character that would strike at the least expected moment to seal a victory...as he did here.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...