10 Wrestlers Who Perfected A Non-Finishing Move

9. Stone Cold - Mudstomps

Triple H Spinebuster

'Stone Cold' Steve Austin was good at just about everything he did in the ring. These stomps, oddly, for such a staple of his offence, weren't one of them, making this entry an anomaly on this list. If you go back and watch, they look fairly terrible, but as Jim Cornette rightly points out, Austin was so incredibly over that it didn't even matter.

Why do the mudstomps make this list? Well, for no other reason than how perfectly they fit the persona of the 'Texas Rattlesnake'. As Austin aged and had to learn to work around his various injuries, particularly the grizzly neck injury he sustained at the hands of the late great Owen Hart, he refined his moveset to, in a sense, be more unrefined, in keeping with his character.Those who have watched early career Steve Austin will note that he was once a cleaner, somewhat more technical worker.

But the mudstomps are the perfect personification of the character that came to define the Attitude-era- no nonsense, in your face, all-out aggression. And Austin always used them at just the right moment to get maximum pop.


Geordie Scribbler. Literature, Music, Gaming & Comics Enthusiast.