10 Wrestlers Who Perfected A Non-Finishing Move

8. The Rock - DDT

Triple H Spinebuster

Actually one of his better moves, its no surprise this move is so enjoyable to see delivered from the man who got an elbow drop finisher and shaking his foot before every stomp so incredibly over.

What was so enjoyable about The Rock's DDT wasn't just the delivery - the slap on the back and kick of the leg he'd give - but how quickly he'd deliver it. Just as an opponent was building steam, Rocky could deliver it like a gunshot to their momentum.

This is a move that is also made even more special when you have someone who can really sell it; check out RVD taking this move as an example of how to make it look truly devastating.An honourable mention should go to the float-over DDT the rock used during his earlier years, a more difficult move to pull off, with a much longer set up. An athletically impressive move, it nonetheless doesn't hold a candle to the beauty of seeing the people's champ deliver his quick-setup DDT out of nowhere.


Geordie Scribbler. Literature, Music, Gaming & Comics Enthusiast.