10 Wrestlers Who Personify Why WWE Had To Scour The Indies

6. Bobby Lashley

Ask most people why they were cheering for Bobby Lashley when he first appeared in late-2005, and the answers will be confusing. In 2005, WWE were desperately looking for more young stars to join the likes of Randy Orton, Batista and John Cena in becoming true success stories. Lashley was never in that bracket, because he just didn't have any personality whatsoever to help his cause. It really seemed like fans wanted the man to be a success, but quickly cottoned on to the fact that he was pretty dull. Yes, Lashley looked like a beast and was a superb athlete, but top names in WWE need a bit more than that to really break through. Scarily enough, some fans even compared him to Brock Lesnar at the time, mainly due to his impressive physique and amateur background. Realistically, Lashley was someone the company were always swimming upstream with. Officials tried to get him over, even working him into the mega-feud between Vince McMahon and Donald Trump at WrestleMania 23. Lashley even worked matches agains the boss at that time, a telltale sign that WWE have big plans for you. It just never happened, though, and Lashley quit the company in early 2008.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.