10 Wrestlers Who Proved That Funny DID Draw Money

8. The New Day

Santino Cobra

The New Day are one of the most beloved stables of the modern era. From their formation in 2014 to the present day, not even the dreaded brand draft can split the brotherly bond between Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods. The trio have experienced great success in the ring. Its members have held the WWE, NXT, United States, and Intercontinental Championships, as well as a bounty of Tag Team Gold.

Upon their debut, The New Day were more likely to elicit flinches and cringing than joy and laughter. Ironically, as a babyface gospel choir they couldn’t be more reviled. After taking a bombardment of nightly “New Day Sucks” chants, the trio decided to just have fun. Soon “sucks” was substituted for “rocks,” and their rise began.

The New Day were allowed to run with their random, surrealistic, kid-friendly brand of comedy. Whether it was pancake-based shenanigans, Booty puns, unicorns, or infectious dancing, the trio are a key part of WWE’s recent product. This is particularly evident in merchandise sales. The team have regularly topped WWE merch sale charts, and their brand continues to be very lucrative for the company.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.