10 Wrestlers Who Proved That Funny DID Draw Money

2. Santino Marella

Santino Cobra

Santino Marella is one of the all-time great comedy characters unleashed on the world of sports entertainment. Marella has a vast understanding of comedy and can mix various strands of humour to great effect. During his WWE run, he provoked laughter with his bizarre accent, physical farces, and willingness to act the fool. Santino is a capable roaster (who doesn’t get mixed up between Y2J and KYJ?) and his low effort and off-kilter impersonations proved hilarious due to their wild inaccuracy. Though he partnered up with many talent, Beth Phoenix was his best straight (wo)man.

Carelli credits his success on his work alongside Hall of Famers such as Roddy Piper and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Also, his close creative relationship with Vince McMahon, who found his attempted heel work hilarious, aided his rise to stardom.

During his time with WWE, Santino held the Intercontinental, United States, and Tag Team Championships, as well as Santina being crowned Miss WrestleMania.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.