10 Wrestlers Who SECRETLY Elevated The Stars

1. Arn Anderson

Rhyno Edge Christian Kurt Angle

A true genius for the business, Ric Flair spent his whole career surrounded by the right people. The Four Horsemen is an all-timer stable, with the likes of Tully Blanchard, Barry Windham, and plenty of other stars great, good, and not so spectacular making up the frequently shifting group.

No one ever played off Flair better than Arn Anderson, though. The Enforcer was a spectacular foil to the Nature Boy precisely because he and Ric are such diametric opposites. While Flair rides limousines and wears expensive suits, Anderson slumps around in tracksuits and WCW-branded gear. Flair brings technical skill and chain wrestling; Anderson just thumps you.

In any other group, Anderson would be the clear standout star. He’s one of the most underrated talkers in wrestling history and a fantastic worker in his own right. But by maintaining that schlubby, brawling style, he ensured that Flair remained in the spotlight at all times, the two performers ensconced in their most comfortable positions.

As fans are seeing with Wardlow in AEW, Arn is so legit that he can put anyone over just by standing next to them. For a character as vibrant as Flair to be accepted by Anderson was enough to solidify him as serious business.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)