10 Wrestlers Who Should Never Have Signed With WWE

1. ‘Dr Death’ Steve Williams

Sting WWE

‘Dr Death’ Steve Williams was a legitimate hard bastard and decorated All Japan Pro Wrestling star. He also went unpinned in North America for a decade.

Add to this a backstage friendship with JR and he was closest you could get to a sure thing. WWE knew what they had and they weren’t about to saddle Williams with a terrible gimmick or hide him away in the midcard. Vince McMahon wanted to build him up as a challenger to WWE champion Stone Cold Steve Austin.

They were gonna bring ‘Dr Death’ in a star and they even had a plan for how to do it. Unfortunately that plan involved the notorious Brawl For All tournament. A shoot boxing tournament both more dangerous and less entertaining than pro wrestling, it also lacked the typical benefits of pre-determined contests. McMahon and his cohorts didn’t book Williams to win; they just assumed that he would.

A second round knockout loss to midcarder Bart Gunn saw ‘Dr. Death’ injure not just a hamstring but also his reputation and aura.

His name will forever be associated with one of WWE’s worst ideas ever.

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Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.