10 Wrestlers Who Should Own WWE After Wrestlemania 29

1. Dolph Ziggler

dolph ziggler Your new World Heavyweight Champion, Dolph Ziggler! Writing this list before Wrestlemania, things did not look so great for The Showoff. Thrust into a pretty meaningless tag match with Team Hell No, Dolph's booking was consistently poor and he took defeat after defeat. At Wrestlemania Dolph even took the pin, protecting his green tag partner Big E. Langston, as his team failed to beat the tag champs. I was going to talk about how poorly Dolph was being utilised, how his fantastic arsenal of skills was being wasted. I was going to say that his ability to sell better than anyone was damaging him, because he was too good at making other people look good when they beat him. I was going to say that while Dolph should own WWE post-Wrestlemania, perhaps there just wasn't enough faith in him. But all that changed on the post-Wrestlemania Monday Night Raw in New Jersey. After Alberto del Rio had beaten Jack Swagger, his previous challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship, he was suffering from a leg injury, barely able to stand. Ziggler took his chance and cashed in his Money in the Bank contract, much to the approval of the New Jersey crowd that exploded at the opening strands of his entrance music. At one point it looked bad, with Dolph locked into the cross-armbreaker, but the Showoff managed to counter the move and hit the Zig-Zag to pin the champ and win the World Heavyweight Title. A huge night for the platinum blonde superstar, and the reaction from the crowd nearly blew the roof off - make no mistake, Ziggler's win received a massive face pop. So Ziggler goes into the post-Wrestlemania year as the new World Heavyweight Champion. He has his own stable, featuring the most over Diva for years, AJ Lee, and a monster of a man in Big E. Langston who seems to be getting his own push. Despite being a heel he has much of the WWE Universe on his side. He is fantastic in the ring, improving on the mic, and has a gimmick that works for him. Hopefully he is given a lengthy title reign and gets to go over Del Rio, who he will probably face at Extreme Rules. Dolph needs a clean win over the Mexican Aristocrat to give his title reign credibility after all his recent losses. After seeing off Del Rio, there is a whole raft of superstars Dolph could face in fresh and engaging new feuds. Returning to a feud with Chris Jericho would see some great matches, while going over the likes of Sheamus or Randy Orton would be huge for Ziggler and make him a certified star. Things are looking good for The Showoff, Dolph Ziggler. So with Wrestlemania winding down, who do you think will step up in the coming weeks and months and own the WWE until Wrestlemania 30? Agree with these 10 superstars or think someone has been missed? Comment below.
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Rob is a multimedia journalist with an opinion on everything from Johnny Cash to Newcastle United, CM Punk to The Matrix.