10 Wrestlers Who Should Own WWE After Wrestlemania 29

9. The Shield

the-shield Have no doubt about it, The Shield are in the midst of a monster push. Since debuting on the WWE's main roster at Survivor Series, when they attacked Ryback to deny him the WWE Title, they have enjoyed almost unprecedented success. The opponents they have beaten, combined, have carried 26 WWE/WWF/World Title reigns, which shows the calibre of the men they have stepped into the ring with, and not just managed to look at home against, but have stolen the show from. John Cena, Kane, Randy Orton, Big Show - just four examples of the men they have defeated, and probably four future Hall of Famers. At Wrestlemania, some feared their momentum might come to an end and they would receive some payback at the hands of Orton, Sheamus and Big Show. But despite the massive odds against, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns came out on top. The WWE appears to have learnt from their mistakes with The Nexus, and recognise that in The Shield they have the hottest stable faction in years. It is hard to choose one member of The Shield who could own the WWE in the coming months, as the three men work so well together as a unit. They have been put over as legitimately dangerous, a genuine threat to anyone and everyone in the WWE. Intimidating, menacing and ready to make an impact, The Shield has been built up brilliantly. The size and power of Reigns, the flair and technical ability of Rollins, and Ambrose's unhinged mastery of the mic combines to create a force that has the potential to rise to the top of WWE and rule there for some time to come. Where The Shield go next will be interesting. On the Raw after Wrestlemania, as the Undertaker was in the ring talking about his victory over CM Punk, the Shield's brilliantly menacing music hit and down they came through the crowd. While Kane and Daniel Bryan came out to make the save, the message WWE was sending was a huge one. By putting The Shield alongside arguably the biggest name they have, The Undertaker, they were cementing The Shield as a big deal (the same also goes for Daniel Bryan). It will be interesting to see if Taker is sticking around beyond his annual appearance for a change, to join his brother Kane and Bryan against The Shield. The six-man tag matches are getting a little tired now, and The Shield need something new to get their teeth into. A short feud with Taker could work wonders for them before they move on to challenge for championship gold. Taking the tag titles from Team Hell No would be a good start, which they could defend under the Freebird rule. After that, the logical step would be a midcard title, but in many ways The Shield are already too big for those in their current guise. Do not be surprised if one of these men, or all three as a unit, are challenging for world titles before the year is out.
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Rob is a multimedia journalist with an opinion on everything from Johnny Cash to Newcastle United, CM Punk to The Matrix.