10 Wrestlers Who Should Own WWE After Wrestlemania 29

8. The Usos

The Usos may be one of the more far-fetched options on this list of superstars who could own the WWE, but hear me out. In 2012 the tag team division was reinvigorated, and the teams were given their dues, with Kane and Daniel Bryan leading the way. While this momentum ran out once creative got down to the serious business of Wrestlemania, the tag team division is supposedly a pet project of Triple H, and so expect them to rise to prominence again in the quieter months that follow. This of course means that there will be a few superstars thrown together to make teams, as Team Hell No were along with the likes of Team Rhodes Scholars. But there are some genuine tag teams in the WWE locker room who deserve their shot, and at the front of the queue should be The Usos. They are young and full of potential, with a great look and genuine in-ring ability. As brothers they are a ready-made tag team and of course have a natural look that only being born as twins can grant you. They have tag moves which they work together, which always look great and make a team look more genuine. Personally I loved it when they used to come out doing the haka war dance - it gave them an edge, it looked great, and it gave the crowd something to pop for. And finally in their favour - they are Rikishi's sons. Rikishi could come back as The Usos manager, and instantly lend them a new credibility. The problem with this of course is Rikishi was never the greatest on the mic himself, so perhaps someone else could be brought in to give the tag team a voice, something they desperately need. With this ingredient thrown into the mix, there is no reason why The Usos should not get the chance to take over the tag team division.
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Rob is a multimedia journalist with an opinion on everything from Johnny Cash to Newcastle United, CM Punk to The Matrix.