10 Wrestlers Who Should Own WWE After Wrestlemania 29

3. AJ Lee

aj lee Having covered superstars who should being owning the WWE's main event, midcard and tag divisions following Wrestlemania, it seemed only fair to pitch in a Diva too. And no Diva has had been able to touch AJ Lee over the past year. Since her storyline with Daniel Bryan, AJ has ridden a wave of popularity, both as a face and as a heel. Just consider who she has been in a storyline with - Bryan, Kane, CM Punk, John Cena. These are the very cream of the WWE crop, and she has been a key ingredient in each of their storylines. Whether it is as the subservient and loving girlfriend or the unhinged maniac, AJ Lee gets reactions that other superstars can only dream of. The past few weeks have seen her become the girlfriend of Dolph Ziggler, joining him alongside Big E. Langston. As the new World Heavyweight Champion, Dolph is a big deal in the WWE and that will do no harm for AJ's profile. But it would be harsh to suggest that AJ is just a glorified escort. The diva showed in NXT that she can wrestle, and recent developments with her former friend Kaitlyn suggest that she might soon get a shot at the Divas Title. If she was to become the new Champ, making her and Dolph the WWE's power couple, it would not only give the Divas division some attention at last, but it would also set AJ up to make sure the next year is even bigger than the last.
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Rob is a multimedia journalist with an opinion on everything from Johnny Cash to Newcastle United, CM Punk to The Matrix.