10 Wrestlers Who Should Own WWE After Wrestlemania 29

4. Ryback

ryback Probably the superstar who enjoyed the most prolific rise in the WWE in the year leading up to Wrestlemania, the year that follows is sure to be a huge one for Ryback. The muscle bound wrestler appeared on our screens after doing away with his former character, Skip Sheffield, following a lengthy injury. His debut saw him compete for months against local wrestlers, often two or even three at a time, to establish him as a fearsome monster in the locker room. Short feuds with Jack Swagger continued his slow rise, but then when John Cena got injured leading into the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view, Ryback was rocketed into the main event to face CM Punk. Various obstacles stopped him from capturing the WWE Title, from Brad Maddox to The Shield, but Ryback still came out of the feud looking strong despite the defeats. Then along came the Royal Rumble, which saw Ryback make it to the final two, only to be dumped over the top rope by a certain John Cena. The statement the WWE was making was clear however - here was a new top dog for the WWE. At Wrestlemania Ryback faced The World's Strongest Man Mark Henry in a clash of the titans, pitting the WWE's two big men against each other. Surprisingly Ryback took the loss in that match, with Henry falling on the younger superstar when Ryback tried to lift him for Shellshock. After the match though Ryback rallied and managed to get Henry up to deliver a mightily impressive Shellshock to The World's Strongest Man. The following night on Raw, Henry was counted out during a match with Cena. After the bell rung, Henry took out Cena and posed with the WWE Title, which brought out Ryback. Ryback took out Henry, but then after helping Cena to his feet, Ryback took him out too, before delivering a Shellshock to the champ and posing with the title. Whether Ryback's turn on Cena makes him a heel now is up for debate - his attack got a huge pop on the night and it certainly didn't stop the crowd chanting along with him afterwards. What it does show though is that WWE are ready to pull the trigger to push Ryback to the top of the WWE. While his moveset is yet to stun anyone - he has been carried in the ring in most feuds by the likes of CM Punk or The Shield - he has got over with the WWE Universe amazingly quickly, and his Feed Me More chant is soon taken up by the live crowds. Yes his mic work is weak, but at present his character really doesn't need to be saying much anyway. It looks like Ryback could soon be getting the push that Sheamus has enjoyed until recently, as WWE try their best to establish a new main event star who can hang with Cena. Ryback's build is the stuff of Vince McMahon's dreams, in the Shellshock he has a decent enough finisher that the crowd can buy into, and if he can add to his staple set of four or five impact moves he will soon lose his rough edges in the ring. Ryback might not be everybody's cup of tea, and he is certainly no Daniel Bryan in the ring, but the WWE needs big men, and Ryback looks like he is set to be WWE's new favourite monster. Don't expect it to be too long before there is championship gold around his waist.
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Rob is a multimedia journalist with an opinion on everything from Johnny Cash to Newcastle United, CM Punk to The Matrix.