10 Wrestlers Who Still Believe In Kayfabe

2. Orange Cassidy

Orange Cassidy

Getting over and building your character without breaking kayfabe on the indie scene can be notoriously difficult. You can’t promote your appearances as heavily as other wrestlers would and any interview with you is burdensome as it has to be done in total character. Orange Cassidy made it work mind. He participated in interviews in his calm cool collected demeanour, often with one word answers to any question asked of him. He barely tweets even to this day and when he does it’s either one word or an emoji reacting to another tweet.

Cassidy was at first polarising to fans and wrestlers alike when he started to make a name for himself, with many thinking he was nothing more than an aloof slacker. However fans and promotions gravitated towards him when it became apparent there was a lot of depth behind ‘Freshly Squeezed’. He became the hottest thing in all of wrestling soon after making his debut for All Elite Wrestling during their inaugural event Double or Nothing in May 2019.

Even now in 20-minute interviews with Brandi Rhodes on YouTube he sticks to the gimmick, not taking off his sunglasses even when inside and wearing his trademark denim throughout.

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Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.