10 Wrestlers Who Survived The Impossible

8. Sting

The Miz Zombies WWE WrestleMania Backlash

You had to know WCW would pop up at some point.

The final year of that company's existence could be summed up as thus: Vince Russo accelerates doom by proving that car crash storytelling and the complete ruination of everything that was once over needs an editor. For proof, check out Sting vs. Vampiro from the Great American Bash 2000.

These face-painted foes clashed in a 'Human Torch' match that could only end when one party was set on fire by the other. As if that wasn't enough, WCW's bookers decided that Sting (or a stuntman dressed as him) needed to plummet off the mammoth tron through the stage set below. He was also on fire when this happened.

Stinger survived and was back on Nitro within one month. That, dear readers, destroyed the entire purpose of Vampiro setting him ablaze at all. The finality of this gimmick match, like everything else in WCW, was temporary.

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The Miz
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.