10 Wrestlers Who VANISHED When WWF Became WWE

1. Bull Buchanan

Bull Buchanan B-2 John Cena

Somewhat surprisingly, Barry Buchanan spent eight years under the employ of WWE.

Originally signed to a developmental deal in 1995 and first sent to work in the USWA, Barry's tenure with the company saw him become Recon of the Truth Commission, briefly form the Armageddon tag team with Sniper, resurface as Bull Buchanan alongside the Big Boss Man, win the Tag Team Titles with the Goodfather as part of Right to Censor, and become the enforcer of a young John Cena as B-2, aka Bling Bling Buchanan.

Buchanan did just about manage to survive in WWE past the company's rebranding, but he was fired just one week after the 2003 Royal Rumble PPV. To put it into perspective, the powerhouse only had six televised matches - two of which were on Velocity - in the eight months prior to his release.

While Barry Buchanan disappeared from the mainstream after his WWE exit, he did spend few years working shows for All-Japan Pro Wrestling and Pro Wrestling NOAH, with plentiful independent dates before hanging his boots up for good in 2014.

Interestingly, Buchanan actually had a WWE dark match tryout in September 2006, losing to Henry O' Godwinn before an episode of SmackDown. Since stepping away from the squared circle, Bazza has carved a career for himself as a lawman in Carroll County, Georgia.

These days, Buchanan's son can be found competing in NXT 2.0 as Brooks Jensen.

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