10 Wrestlers Who VANISHED When WWF Became WWE

7. Perry Saturn

Bull Buchanan B-2 John Cena

Heading into the start of 2002, Perry Saturn was fresh off finally ditching the whole Moppy schtick. With Raven having fed poor Moppy to a woodchipper, and with Terri Runnels having ditched Saturn as part of all of this, the one-time Radical was now a serious, singles babyface act.

Shortly before WWF became WWE, Saturn found himself drafted to the SmackDown brand as the first roster split took place. Unfortunately for the former European Champion, he was the very last person to be assigned in said brand split, and things would only go from bad to worse when he reinjured his ACL.

Skip ahead to November of that year, after four months on the sidelines, Perry was released by Vince McMahon's sports entertainment juggernaut.

Following his WWE exit, Saturn largely disappeared from the wrestling business entirely. There was a brief stint in TNA in 2003, the odd NJPW date, some independent shows, and a few appearances for the much-maligned World Wrestling All-Stars promotion, but that WWE run was the last time the legit badass was seen in the mainstream spotlight.

The subsequent years saw Perry become addicted to methamphetamine and spend over two years sleeping on the streets. Making this a truly tragic situation, Saturn's addiction issues started after he was shot in the neck and shoulder after stopping two men from raping a woman.

Thankfully, the Ohio native has now managed to put those addiction problems behind him.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.