10 Wrestlers Who Walked Out On Live TV

6. Jeff Jarrett & The Roadie (In Your House 2)

The Roadie Jeff Jarrett

When discussing this incident on his 'Something To Wrestle With' show, current WWE Executive Producer Bruce Prichard said he felt The Roadie almost committed career suicide back in 1995. The future Road Dogg agreed to leave the federation's In Your House 2 pay-per-view with Jeff Jarrett whilst it was still on the air.

Courageous move for somebody who was just about to be pushed.

Roadie was about to be revealed as the real voice behind Jarrett's 'With My Baby Tonight' country single, and that would've led to a babyface run. Reportedly, neither man was delighted with the WWF's booking of the angle, and they decided to bolt without telling anyone. Prichard then had the lovely task of telling Vince McMahon (who was doing commentary) what had happened over his headset.

The boss was furious, and puzzled. He couldn't understand why the gruesome twosome had stormed out during a live pay-per-view broadcast, especially when Jarrett's Intercontinental Title loss to Shawn Michaels had stolen the entire show.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.