10 Wrestlers Who Were Hated By The Locker Room
3. Triple H
You won't read widespread reports of the sheer extent to which Triple H was despised, because he was despised for the exact reason that most won't say anything: he had the power to sabotage the career of most performers.
He truly was 'The Game'.
It's still astonishing to write that in the past tense, but for the vast majority of the 21st century, Triple H held a level of power comparable only to Hulk Hogan without formally operating a dual role as booker. CM Punk was the 'Voice of the Voiceless' for fans whose longing for a meritocracy was never realised. He also, when the last f*ck drained out of him, was the voice of the "boys". On the Art of Wrestling, he revealed that he resented Triple H for taking a sledgehammer to his momentum and angling for a match three years later, just so he could have a good one and say "What are you bitching-uh about-uh, I put you f*cking over-uh".
Paul London was another ex-WWE contractor who loathed the system and had no compunction about burying it - and Triple H specifically. London found him laughable, casting him as a defensive lackey who tried, and failed, to be funny.