10 Wrestlers Who Were Hated By The Locker Room
2. Terry Taylor

Wrestling is so funny, so stupid, and so stunningly petty.
Imagine being seven years-old and learning the truth behind the Red Rooster character that appeared on a few your Coliseum Video tapes.
"Daddy, why he does that man crow and have red hair?"
"It's because they think he's a complete c*nt, Timmy."
Paying a man more than decent money, putting him on cards, and actually contracting the old creative services team to spend time making him look like as big a t*t a possible: Vince McMahon is successful in spite of his spite.
"What did you do at work today, darling?"
"I killed a man's career by turning him into an anthropomorphic bird, and not one of the cool ones, either. A sh*tty, annoying wuss bird."
Terry Taylor was a very gifted wrestler, and, as legend has it, walked into the WWF thinking he was the "cock of the walk". It's just as well he did in the fumes of the Golden Age, and not the Attitude Era; otherwise, he'd have been Dick Head and made to wear skin-coloured tights with veins in the calves and thighs.
Known as a very arrogant individual, Taylor was also resented, massively, for being a stooge.