10 Wrestlers Who Were Pissed As Soon As They Got Backstage

2. The Jericho Goldberg Incident

chris jericho goldberg

I'm including this one on a technicality as Chris Jericho would have been as happy as little Larry on his way out of the ring, and up the ramp, and behind the screen, and through the curtain, and past Gorilla. But, the very moment he got backstage, that mood would have soured.

You see, Jericho and Goldberg's personal problems in WCW are a much-publicised issue. Basically the former, a young up-and-comer in the promotion wanted to work with the latter, but he had absolutely zero interest in lowering himself to a perceived midcarder's level. This bitterness stuck for years.

When the pair would reconvene in WWE in 2003, Jericho was quite happily enjoying a tag-team match with Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair, only to catch wind immediately afterwards that Goldberg had been pointing the match out to everyone and, specifically, how bad he thought Jericho was in it. This led to a confrontation and... well, I'll let Jericho himself, speaking on the Bubba The Love Sponge Show, finish this...

"Goldberg and I got into an argument because we had a lot of problems in WCW because he thought his s**t didn't stink, and he basically put his hand on my throat and screamed in my face. I'm not a tough guy, but when you put your hand on someone's throat you better be ready to go".
"I took him to the ground and I put him in a front face lock, and my plan was to hold on as long as I could until he got up and killed me, but he never got up, and I just kept squeezing, and I know if you push someone's chin into their chest you can make them pass out, so that's what I was doing."
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