10 Wrestlers Who Were Secretly The Greatest Intercontinental Champions Ever

8. Rob Van Dam

ECW fan favourite Rob Van Dam was never going to hold main event gold in the WWE and everyone knew it€ at least, they did in 2001 when he was a part of the Invasion angle that took over the entire company for most of the year. In practice, the next few years saw the WWF/E capitalise on RVD€™s natural popularity with the crowd by placing him at or near the main event€ and constantly in contention for the Intercontinental Championship. Although he never held the title for longer than two month, he undertook six IC title victories over the course of his multiple WWE runs. As the Face Of ECW, you really shouldn€™t have expected less: it gave him the cachet with the fans to demand a top position, but it erected a glass ceiling as far as WWE management was concerned. They finally gave The Whole Effin€™ Show a shot when they booked him to win the Money In The Bank ladder match at WrestleMania 22 and then to take John Cena€™s WWE Championship from him at One Night Stand in 2006. RVD remained a vital part of the IC title scene right up until he won the big one.
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Ric Flair
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.