10 Wrestlers Who Will Benefit From Triple H Running WWE Creative

As Triple H promises to make work fun again, these superstars will be happy to play “The Game”.

Triple H Johnny Gargano

News of Triple H’s ascent to the top of the WWE creative mountain should be the source of cautious optimism amongst wrestling fans. Many are all too aware of his predecessor’s stranglehold on the company’s formatting, promos, in-ring style and everything else. The first episode of Money Night Raw after “Trips” took control was still scripted by Vince McMahon but fans were pleased to detect light traces of the new guy’s fingerprints.

It seems a similar optimism abounds backstage at America’s longest-running, weekly, episode television show (and its Friday night sibling). With talk of more open communication and “making work fun again,” things could be looking up for WWE’s roster of independent contractors. Suddenly their fortunes could be turned around.

Of course, even if the new boss is fairer and more even-handed than the old one, he’s still bound to have his favourites. While the booking may become more consistent over time, not everyone can suddenly receive a massive push and some may still find themselves lost in the shuffle.

Here are those wrestlers who stand to benefit from Triple H's appointment as WWE's head of creative...

10. Alexa Bliss

Triple H Johnny Gargano

Since returning from injury Alexa Bliss has been drifting aimlessly, stuck in terrible therapy skits that go nowhere (and really, when was the last time wrestling did a good therapy segment?) Formerly one of the division’s top stars and a multi-time champion, “Little Miss Bliss” has been wasted on WWE television of late.

One episode into the Triple H era and already she got a sense of purpose, promising to come for a belt and scoring a decisive victory over Doudrop. All this could be a coincidence. As we know, Vince still penned most of this week's Raw. Nonetheless, it is very tempting to see this as a sign of things to come.

Triple H’s Takeovers were critically acclaimed but the weekly episodes of NXT were sometimes logical to a fault. The careful, sensible booking all paid off on the big weekends but occasionally resulted in dry, uninspired weekly television. All this could ultimately work in Alexa Bliss’ favour. After more than a year of black goo, haunted dolls and straddling Randy Orton in a manner that threatened WWE’s PG rating, Bliss could really use some logical, straightforward booking for a while.


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.