10 Wrestlers Who Will Benefit From Triple H Running WWE Creative

9. Samoa Joe

Triple H Johnny Gargano

Stood in a plastic poncho alongside the rest of the commentary team, Samoa Joe helped WWE weather the literal storm ahead of WrestleMania 37. His reward? Getting released from the company less than a week later.

In a massive show of faith from Triple H, Joe was rehired mere months later. He returned to both NXT and in-ring competition, quickly becoming the brand’s first three-time champion. It was an astonishing turnaround but it wouldn’t last. He immediately vacated the title due to injury and never returned to attempt to reclaim it. Instead, Joe was given a backstage role before getting released for a second time the following January.

In a recent interview, Joe said he hadn’t ruled out another run with WWE and there are plenty of fans who would love to see it. Even if his best years as an active wrestler are behind him, surely Triple H would jump at the chance to take him on as a manager, commentator or producer? At the very least it gives “The Samoan Submission Machine,” some leverage next time he’s negotiating a new contract with Tony Khan.


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.