10 Wrestlers Who Worked In WCPW Before Joining WWE

5. Moustache Mountain

Moustache Mountain Vs Moss Slater
Moustache Mountain vs Moss & Slater

Who could have known when he was tagging with Trent Seven and shaking hands around ringside with a smile on his face that Tyler Bate would become the first ever WWE United Kingdom Champion? As Moustache Mountain, the pair lit up WCPW until they were called upon to work January's UK Title tournament as individuals.

Bate has had more success in WWE than his more experienced tag-team partner, but the company appear to recognise the value of having Seven along for the ride. He has a calming influence on Tyler that allows the younger man to quietly go about his business of proving why he's one of the best young wrestlers in Britain today.

Go back and listen to the reaction of WWE's fan base towards Bate when he captured that UK Title for evidence that he's a star. It was only ever going to be a matter of time before he fulfilled the potential shown in WCPW, but who would have known it'd be so soon?

If you're good enough, you're old enough.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.