10 Wrestlers Who Would Have Made Better Managers
9. Titus O’Neil

Titus O’Neil may never have been the revelation that Damien Mizdow
once was, but he still boasts his own array of talents that extend beyond the
Recently he’s been heavily involved in all of this Father of the Year stuff, so clearly he knows how to handle himself in a more professional type of situation. Not that all WWE managers have necessarily been “professional” but you get what I mean; it certainly helps the image.
He also had a massively entertaining, and obviously unscripted, stint on commentary back in 2012 on Raw. Ripping into Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole, Titus really caught the eye—or ear—with Paul Heyman himself calling it a “rare breakthrough moment.” Then as recently as last year, it was JBL who felt Titus’ wrath as he was put in his place at the table.
That kind of confidence and those kind of witticisms would certainly serve him well in a managerial capacity—not to mention the glowing recommendation from one of the best in the business.
Regardless of the reasoning behind it, he’s hardly set the word alight in in-ring competition, and so a switch to the world of wrestling management could be just what the doctor ordered for Titus.
Just don’t let him manage Vince McMahon. On seconds thoughts, maybe he’s not quite as professional as I first thought…