10 Wrestlers Whose Careers Ended Suddenly

8. Droz

Darren Drozdov was a young prospect within the world of wrestling, but ultimately had just a short run within the World Wrestling Federation. He initially debuted in 1998 as Puke, before being paired with the reincarnated Legion of Doom. Droz achieved moderate success as the newest member of L.O.D., teaming with Road Warrior Animal for a brief while. By 1999, Droz had branched out on his own, but was unable to move up the card at that point. During a taping of Smackdown in October of that year, Droz was set to compete against D€™Lo Brown. As Brown attempted to deliver a running powerbomb, something went horribly wrong. While it€™s still not entirely clear what happened -- with some conflicting stories having become prevalent -- it was clear that all was not right. Sadly, Droz was paralyzed due to the botched move, bringing a swift and sudden end to his wrestling career. He had fractured two disks in his spine, leaving him without any feeling from the neck down. Droz was left a quadriplegic, but remarkably held no ill will toward D€™Lo. Despite his in-ring career ending, Droz continued to work for the WWE for a number of years and has since regained some feeling and movement within his extremities.
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.