10 Wrestlers Whose Careers Ended Suddenly

7. Sid

Sid Vicious was never a great technician inside the ring, but he was a compelling character and intimidating man. However, he has arguably become more well known for his blunders on the microphone than for his in-ring performances. Despite this, Sid was an immensely popular superstar for many years in both WWE and WCW. In 1999, Sid returned to World Championship Wrestling and it was there he would stay until the end of his career. In 2001, at WCW€™s Sin pay-per-view, he competed in a match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Supposedly, it was suggested to Sid by WCW management that he attempt to diversify his offense -- possibly with some aerial maneuvers. To Sid€™s credit, he gave it a shot, but in hindsight, probably wished he didn€™t. During the match, the 6€™9€, 300 pound competitor climbed to the second rope -- a sight never seen before. Sid leaped from the ropes and delivered a big boot to Scott Steiner€™s face. However, Sid did more damage to himself than Steiner. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOSYcM4AJ8k Upon landing, the big man€™s leg snapped in half. While any potential gore was shielded, thanks to Sid€™s boot, it was still a horrific sight. The former World Champion could do nothing but lie there in pain until the match ended. Unfortunately, the injury signaled the end for Sid€™s career. WCW folded while he was recuperating and the big man left the sport behind. Despite making a small number of appearances for independent promotions and competing in a brief match on an episode of Raw in 2012, Sid€™s career was over.
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.