10 Wrestlers Whose Careers TANKED After Winning Big

5. Rob Van Dam

Otis Mandy Rose WWE Tanked

You might be shocked to see 'Mr. Monday Night' here, but he belongs.

Most would agree that RVD was ready to ascend the throne as World Champion in 2001 or 2002. He was one of wrestling's hottest tickets back then, but ended up playing victim to Triple H's interminable World Heavyweight Title run. Things had changed by 2006 - WWE were ready to put their full might behind the Van Terminator.

At ECW One Night Stand '06, Van Dam beat John Cena in front of one of the rowdiest crowds ever to become WWE Champ. He'd hold that and the ECW World Title at the same time, but things fell apart just one month into his dual reign. Rob was busted on drug possession charges, and WWE promptly suspended him.

Yes, RVD has remained a popular star due to his work in TNA and cameo appearances for both WWE and AEW, but his career was never the same after that drugs bust. It stopped going higher (ahem), and he'd never really come close to WWE's top prizes again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.