10 Wrestlers Whose Careers TANKED After Winning Big

3. Mr. Kennedy

Otis Mandy Rose WWE Tanked

Oh, what might've been.

Mr. Kennedy had a rocket strapped to him when he won Money In The Bank at WrestleMania 23 and almost immediately announced his intentions to cash in 12 months later on the biggest show of the year. An injury forced WWE to alter plans, so Edge took the briefcase from Kennedy.

That's when everyone realised that Ken's injury wasn't as serious as feared and he could return in a matter of weeks. Eek. It was too late, and probably for the best anyway. Kennedy was named in a steroid scandal later that year, and was suspended anyway. In other words, his mega-push towards 'Mania XXIV was never happening.

Winning MITB was Kennedy's biggest moment, but it was followed by some of his most miserable. More injuries stalled attempts to rebuild, then a run-in with Randy Orton in May 2009 shattered his WWE career completely. Ken was scrapped and ended up moving to TNA.

His wrestling career never recovered from the initial spiral of injuries and poor PR.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.